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Faith Middleton, the public radio authority on all things delicious in Connecticut, visited Oliva on Main in Bethlehem amid autumn’s blush in 2017 and was wowed by the Mediterranean and North African influenced cuisine of Chef Riad Aamar, who long delighted the culinary cognoscenti at the establishment’s former incarnation in New Preston before relocating the restaurant four years ago this November.

在一篇名为“奥利瓦·地中海咖啡馆”的Facebook帖子中,Faith挥之不去:“ [RIAD],一位巴勒斯坦美国人,用最鲜艳的辣鸡肉和羊肉串和羊肉串和羊排和排骨和排骨与根蔬菜配对,扎根蔬菜,疯狂的好房子,疯狂好的房子,将我撞倒了- 制作的鹰嘴豆泥和蒜味的酸奶酱。…我会吃任何厨师Riad做的东西,尽管他的许多粉丝说烤鸡是地球上的天堂。去!”That “crazy-good house-made hummus” is the cornerstone of an evolution in progress that’s liberating lifestyles and upscaling meals for Oliva’s fans, who are now enjoying Riad’s uber-authentic and often exotic tastes at home, accompanied by a good movie or dinner table conversation with friends.

最初是在原始的OlivaCafé的持续需求中 - “您应该出售鹰嘴豆泥!”- 鼓励RIAD首先在当地农贸市场上展示和销售一条适度的产品线,华盛顿仓库农贸市场最终成为他的产品的主要场所。The good local vibes in Washington Depot – where Riad and his wife and business partner, Joanna Lawrence, are beloved – inspired a partnership between Oliva and local café The Pantry, where owner and chef Michael Ackerman hosts a cooler filled with Riad’s bespoke tastes of the sunny Mediterranean. “It works for both of us. It’s a good partnership,” says Riad, who can’t keep up with the farmers market demand and sees his products fly out of The Pantry.


伙伴关系也是朝着广阔的Oasis Oliva旅程的又一步。周三至周日晚餐,Main上的奥利瓦(Oliva)也是新兴市场的双打,在下午3点开放,以容纳人们回家准备晚餐的人们。

里亚德说:“自从我们决定从新普雷斯顿的旧空间转移,我们就开始寻找为零售业务补充餐厅的空间。”“When we decided on our current historic and beautiful building that, not too long ago, was used as a general store, market, and post office, we thought, ‘this could be it.’” The Market at Oliva on Main was born, and a cooler like the one at The Pantry now stands next to the hostess counter, filled with far more than hummus and yogurt dip, as upwards of 30 specialty products are available, including artisan breads from Fabled Foods.

对于那些停下来发现良好,真实和崇高的口味的人来说,赏金是一种烹饪宝藏:鹰嘴豆泥,酸奶,酸奶,tahini蘸酱和巴巴·盖努伊(Baba GhanoujLebanese olives, the singularly satisfying Moroccan Eggplant, and homemade cookies (including chocolate-dipped macaroons, almond biscotti – chocolate and plain – and Oliva’s famous pinolatte cookies). There’s also balsamic vinaigrette dressing, the light, bright spinach and goat cheese tart, Riad’s focaccia with caramelized onions or mixed vegetables – and that’s just the beginning.

各种各样的自制零食,包括Pinolatte Cookie,巧克力蘸杏仁Biscotti,巧克力蘸椰子杏仁饼和几种类型的Baklava


但是,RIAD的零售野心不仅限于他的标志性方面和成分。他说:“我们正计划在不久的将来为客户提供他们最喜欢的饭菜带回家。”,腌制的羊排,羊肉烤肉,鸡肉烤肉 - 煮熟或准备好在家里吃完饭 - antipastos,新鲜的沙拉,诸如土豆泥,烤根蔬菜等配菜等。

里亚德说:“人们可以进来购物。”也许在浏览时喝一杯葡萄酒,并确定晚上美食菜单上的内容。The dining space may get even cozier as the market blossoms, and the hours may evolve a bit, as Oliva on Main becomes a gourmet shopping destination, but whether enjoyed in Riad’s house or your own, the culinary experience, itself, is certain to continue to be exceptional.

>奥利瓦(Oliva)在Main上:15 Main St. South,伯利恒;203-266-5558



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