厨师Garrett Pittler酒厂3月4日的城市

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厨师Garrett Pittler厨师在城市酒厂。先前他在纳什维尔Omni酒店厨师tournant协助招聘,员工培训和菜单策略等责任。厨师Pittler还担任厨师职位在纳什维尔的切尔西小酒馆,洛斯范德比尔特酒店和硬石咖啡厅,他打开多个国际位置,以及麦考密克Schmick在巴尔的摩。

加勒特Pittler对烹饪的爱开始作为一个孩子,花时间在他母亲的布法罗,纽约厨房烹饪与希腊的奶奶。当别的孩子在看罗杰斯先生,他被马丁燕迷恋和贾斯汀威尔逊的烹饪节目。十八岁,知道他的要求是成为一名专业的厨师,加勒特离开家去追求一定程度在巴尔的摩国际烹饪艺术学院。加勒特于1999年毕业,开始他的职业生涯麦考密克& Schmick的行政总厨杰罗姆Dorsch下海鲜。厨师Dorsch指导加勒特,帮助他建立一个强大的烹饪艺术基金会以及协助完善他的厨艺。2001年,加勒特成为厨房主管和教练为硬石咖啡厅。他是在昆士城开餐馆,里约热内卢,墨尔本,大开曼群岛、大阪、都柏林和莫斯科,运用他的手艺,学习当地的文化和食物遗产。六大洲旅游后,加勒特回到了纳什维尔,成为副厨师长在罗马诺干酪通心粉烧烤。他专注于简单的意大利烹饪和学会了如何运行一个快节奏的厨房行高容量的餐厅。2004年,加勒特加入了洛斯范德比尔特酒店。 He was promoted to Restaurant Chef of “eat”, the primary restaurant of the hotel. He strongly believes in sourcing local ingredients to express his “New Southern food experience” using classical dishes as inspiration. In 2013, after seven years with Loews Hotels, Garrett left to pursue his next venture as Executive Chef of Chelsea Bistro in Whites Creek, TN. Chelsea Bistro is a traditional French bistro, specializing in casual French fare. Garrett grows about 75% of the produce used at the bistro in the garden on the property. Sourcing local meats, produce, composting all vegetables and plant material, Garrett works toward his idea of a sustainable restaurant. In his time away from the restaurant, Garrett routinely assists several Nashville charity organizations like Ronald McDonald House, Our Kids, and the March of Dimes. Cheers!


