
通过/摄影 | 2019年9月6日
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我儿子出生在2011年的感恩节,我永远不会忘记家庭涌入我们的病房携带包美味的烤的火鸡腿,奶酪做出,大蒜土豆泥,蔓越莓果冻,不胜枚举。感恩节是我最喜欢的节日,虽然我很欣赏历史,这都是纯粹的暴食与亲人共享给我。在那一天,它是如此荣幸知道我们的家庭不希望我们错过集体经验。作为我的职业生涯是围绕食物,我在生活中新的关注重点是确保我们的儿子吃了我们能提供的最好的食物。营养成为主要话题在很多时候,我们的家人和焦虑诱导。对他生命的头几年我们强调他吃什么;我妻子会准备批后批烤地瓜,蓝莓和鸡肉浆糊了。一切将有机和大部分地方。加工糖是邪恶的!我不能数一次激烈的斗争与祖父母吃饭和糖的不说话,即使他们只是来帮忙的。 If you are reading this, I’m sorry and I love you. I had temporarily lost my mind trying to do what I thought was best for our child. Just like Thanksgiving, I came to realize, it’s more about the people you are with rather than the food you are eating. While I love the holiday, I don’t particularly love turkey, but it tastes so much better when everyone is together telling stories and arguing about politics. As for our son, Ilija, he’s been very fortunate to grow up around some of the best people in Wisconsin’s culinary and agricultural worlds. If you ask him what his favorite food is, he would most likely respond: Ian’s mac n’ cheese pizza with a side of Haribo gummy bears. We preach everything in moderation and that it’s okay to indulge, as long as he shares his gummy bears with Dad. If you are there to teach, they will never forget what you’ve taught them… I hope. Our fall issue is all about kids and families and their personal journeys with food. What we teach our children at an early age will stay with them forever, even if they might not realize it at first. And what better lesson than sitting around a table with the ones you love, making memories over a meal. Best, Arthur Irçink Editor in Chief Reach out to me: arthur@ediblemilwaukee.com


