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亚瑟·欧丁克(Arthur Ircink),可食用密尔沃基的主编
当人们问我最喜欢的新餐厅是什么时,答案就很复杂了。虽然有这么多新的餐厅开业,尤其是像十字路口集体和谢尔曼凤凰城这样的地方,这是令人兴奋的,这些地方是多个美味供应商的所在地,但令人担忧的是,我们最喜欢的一些更具成熟的餐厅正在关闭。我们一次又一次地看到了一家新餐厅开放的地方,并引起了所有人的关注,而经验丰富的竞争斗争,即使食物可能要好得多。作为食品记者,我们有责任让您想起经典,而不会被新餐厅炒作所困扰(请注意我们的读者,在疯狂的水中吃饭)。我经常看到人们为自己喜欢的餐厅关闭而感到生气,但是自上次访问以来已经好几年了。我的压力不大,如果您已经有一段时间没有去过,请支持您喜欢的那些企业,它们可能不会永远存在。塑造我在密尔沃基个人烹饪兴趣的几家餐厅仍然站着,但有些消失了。仅举几例,跳舞的Ganesha,Chez Jacques,Gil's Cafe,Nanakusa和Marchese's Olive Pit都在我的心脏和胃中都情有独钟。根据我的食物记忆和所涉及的人们,每个人对我来说意味着不同的东西。只是写下这些机构的名字使我充满了我永远无法重温的回忆。 Then there are great pillars of the community like Growing Power and Sweet Water Organics, organizations that brought respect and credibility to our city with a real vision of change. One of those figures of change was the late Joe Bartolotta; he was an inspiration for the entire restaurant community. Joe was not just a man who donated much of his time to developing the best chefs and servers in the city, his philanthropic endeavors outside of the restaurant world were far-reaching. He may be gone, but his presence feels like a permanent part of Milwaukee’s food history. Our city has seen incredible change over the last decade. A product of this growth is an influx of new businesses and restaurants, but as we grow to the future, let’s not forget our past. Call your friends and go visit one of Milwaukee’s established restaurants before it’s too late. Those that came before us were the ones that laid the foundation for who we all are today.


