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Butter Pat Industries的创始人Dennis Powell在马里兰州伊斯顿的办公室里。


一个世界,这种情绪一直是马里兰州小镇伊斯顿的Butter Pat Industries的Dennis Powell的灵感来源。In 2013, he dropped the old cast-iron pan of his grandmother, Estee— “overwhelmingly the most influential person in my life,” he says with a slight Southern drawl—but it wasn’t until that thick, black cast iron laid in half before him that he realized its true value. “When something is so much a part of you, it doesn’t seem special,” he says. “But that pan was like my right hand. I used it every day.”


鲍威尔对这种联系感兴趣 - 事物如何结合在一起,首先是如何结合在一起。起初,对他来说,计划是简单地修理锅以传递给他的一个儿子。他已经知道一两件事,关于铸铁,已经收集和翻新旧的锅,以陪同他好朋友的牛仔大锅公司的户外火坑。但是在这个新的任务中,他很快发现,模制金属根本不是以前的方式,至少在美国没有。这启发了他问:为什么不呢?更好的是:是什么阻止了我?

Over the next several years, Powell set out to create his own cast irons—less like Lodge’s hallowed yet hefty cookware, and more like the smooth, lightweight products of the early 20th century, which are now coveted by home cooks, star chefs, and antique collectors alike. On the shelf beside his desk he keeps a couple of examples, which he’s toted over the years to naysaying foundries. Most dismissed his desired specifications as something that couldn’t be done, and even after one Pennsylvania foundry finally gave him a shot, it would still take many months and dozens of failed prototypes before they found the perfect recipe. “We were about to give up,” says Powell. “Then I got a photograph from the guys at the foundry of a pan on the furnace, cooking hamburgers.”

在2016年春季,第一个黄油帕特(Pat)出生于莉莉(Lili),不久之后,又有三个煎锅会以不同的尺寸上网 - 琼(Joan影响了制造他们的人。

在同一个兰开斯特铸造厂中,现在每个锅都需要21天才能制作,在那三个星期内,Butter Pat不仅要将老式的厨房工具带入21世纪,而且还重新点燃了美国美国人的褪色概念工艺,字面意义上有时会进入铁面。然后,将最终产品调味并从他们的马里兰州仓库中运出,鲍威尔与妻子Matilda和他们的美国水猎犬Trix一起生活。

Though a South Carolina native and longtime D.C. resident, Powell had been coming to this slice of Maryland for decades, seeking out the tidewater terrain for its big-city respite before renting a house on the Choptank River, where he brought—and broke—Estee’s pan. “The Eastern Shore gets in your blood,” he says, now owning his own home here and relishing time spent outside, cooking soft-shell crabs over a live fire or partaking in the region’s renowned waterfowl hunting. “We’re not sailors, we’re not motor boaters. We just love the rural lifestyle of the Chesapeake.”

但是,即使在他的辛勤工作之后,鲍威尔还没有准备好退休。他仍然发现自己梦想着新的设计并检查每个锅在门外之前。And after two short years, his products have already landed in the hands of lauded chefs, such as Sean Brock of Husk in Charleston and Spike Gjerde of A Rake’s Progress in D.C., as well as the test kitchens of magazines like Food & Wine, Martha Stewart, and Bon Appétit. Home cooks can find them online, as well as occasionally on sale during the warm-weather farmers’ market in Easton.

价格似乎很高,范围从145-395美元不等,但鲍威尔坚持认为,他的平底锅每天都要使用 - 在炉灶上炸鸡蛋,在烤箱中烤蔬菜,以开放的火焰烤野生牡蛎。他说,尽管它们是高档的,但功能齐全的是功能齐全,“我不希望人们仅在特殊场合保留它们,”他说。“我总是告诉别人,只是在其中煮任何东西 - 巧妙!”



黄油帕特工业公司,29000 Information Lane,伊斯顿,马里兰州butterpatindustries.com
