

经过/摄影作品 | 2018年6月25日
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鳕鱼角的游客可能会在鞋子里留下沙子,但是20多年来,客人一直能够从玛莎的葡萄园里返回带有袋装的葡萄园。玛莎(Martha)的葡萄园敷料公司(Chris Keohane)的姐姐安妮(Annie)于1991年开始,该公司的签名烤芝麻酱。

The Keohane family began vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard back in 1967. A one-week vacation slowly grew into extended stays and finally resulted in building their own vacation home in Chilmark in 1986. There Annie began making the dressing and selling it at farmers’ markets and island stores. Cronig’s Market in Vineyard Haven was their first customer. After nearly 25 years, Annie was looking toward her next chapter when she decided to step away from the company. In stepped Chris, who was eyeing his own transition. He had been in the construction business throughout his career and was on the road and away from his family for much of it. “My boys were growing up and I was missing it,” he explains. So when Annie called, he took up the mantle from his Sandwich home.

在住宅厨房中创建产品是一回事,但在法律上和实际上,这对蓬勃发展的着装业务不起作用。克里斯(Chris)在大陆上寻找一家商业厨房,可以帮助他生产玛莎葡萄园(Vineyard)的盛装,他找到了一家食品准备公司,可以接待合同客户。克里斯并不简单地将食谱交给了他想要多少案件的命令。每三个星期,他都会卷起袖子,然后潜入生产过程中。每批75-100箱子大约需要五个小时才能制作和包装。这一切都与新鲜度和质量控制有关,没有人知道玛莎(Martha)像克里斯(Chris)一样的葡萄园调味料的质量。“我仍然喜欢它,就像我第一次拥有它一样!”他甚至可以分辨出在不同时间生产的瓶子之间的区别。在这种新的合作伙伴关系的早期,克里斯到达了该设施,发现了一个大容器芝麻油,准备添加到搅拌机中。他迅速停止了这一点,并解释说只有整个芝麻种子不仅是油。 “There’s so much more flavor in the seeds,” he points out. The seeds get crushed in the blending cycle that is far more powerful than the gentle mixing that other dressings would need if only using sesame oil.

玛莎葡萄园敷料与其他地区不同的另一个区域是缺少水分。克里斯认为:“其他许多敷料中的第一种成分是水。”快速检查表明,水是他烤芝麻酱中的第五个成分(六分之一)。结果是一件非常丰富的敷料,上面散发出烤芝麻的味道。玛莎(Martha)的葡萄园敷料公司(Vineyard Dressing Co.


玛莎(Martha)的葡萄园敷料公司的敷料在新英格兰的近50家商店中。在当地,您可以在法尔茅斯的意外市场,马什比的罗氏兄弟,奥斯特维尔的幻想市场和Hyannis的Whole Foods找到它们。
