
经过/摄影作品 | 2016年5月19日
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酒吧经理埃里卡·克拉克(Erika Clark)在täkō的菜单上保持了两次冷冻每周饮料的旋转选择,通常是一个与龙舌兰酒混合的饮料和朗姆酒,两者都以相同的关注和创造力制作,使她投入了所有餐厅的手工艺鸡尾酒。她说:“这些[冷冻饮料分配器]上有污名。”“它们是图腾柱的底部。我希望人们为泥泞的鸡尾酒形式感到兴奋。它们非常有趣,但它们也是超级高质量的。”证明在于她最近的发明之一,一个冷冻的血橙色内格罗尼(Negroni),这可能是有史以来最可饮用的Negroni。为了关注果实的口味,她跳过了坎帕里,而是将阿佩罗与坦克雷,橙色苦味和新鲜的血橙汁结合在一起。在6月份,Täkō将以“红色”的冷冻饮料提供支持(红色)饮料(红色)挽救生命的饮料,其中一部分收益受益于全球基金来与艾滋病作斗争。克拉克说,在此期间,要期待两个冷冻的收藏夹在菜单上露面:草莓柠檬水和覆盆子柠檬玛格丽塔酒,非常适合在此热点的人行道上的一张桌子上享用阳光。



Breaking from the boozy drinks, we found refreshment in the new spring and summer menu at Square Café, where Front of the House Manager Ben Fine is switching up the restaurant’s drink selections with fun, lighter, fruitier flavors, all while incorporating as many local ingredients as possible. The Matcha Watermelon Chillatte, pictured here, immediately caught our eye and the flavors blend together harmoniously, giving a cool, creamy, yet bright effect. “This drink appeals to the more adventurous diner and complements the summer weather,” says owner Sherree Goldstein. We couldn’t agree more. And, just like all of the coffee drinks they brew, the Square Chillattes are made with Kiva Han Coffee. Also on the cooler side, Square Café’s smoothies and shakes range from rejuvenating, like the Matcha Peacha, comprised of spinach, peaches, honey, green yogurt, and matcha, to decadent, like the S’mOreo, which combines two treats — Oreos and s’mores — and is topped with torched marshmallows. All of the smoothies contain About Time vegan vanilla protein powder and can be customized with skim, whole, soy, or almond milk, while the shakes use Dave and Andy's homemade ice cream. Goldstein says they go through 15-20 gallons of ice cream per week, illustrating just how hot these chilled drinks are!

方形咖啡馆,1137 S. Braddock Ave.,Regent Square。412.244.8002。square-cafe.com


Hidden Harbor的甜美而浓郁的冷冻香蕉Daiquiri展示了当代的经典Tiki鸡尾酒,共同所有人和鸡尾酒会导演亚当·亨利(Adam Henry)瞄准了一月份新开业的热带松鼠山避风港。有一个回头的元素和戏剧性的元素 - 他们使用干冰冷冻饮料,从而产生轻度的碳酸化效果。寻求托尼·康尼格罗(Tony Conigliaro),被广泛认为是现代调酒学的父亲之一,酒保韦斯·肖克(Wes Shonk)为他们的“怪异科学星期三”创作了饮料,其中包括“科学 - 前卫重新诠释”菜单。亨利说:“蒂基饮料正在穿透鸡尾酒场景。”“传统始于1930年代,但我们正在研究当代蒂基的意思。We didn’t want to be serving all of the same drinks, so we use more than just rum, and we use a lot more clear glasses, which pushes us to produce a prettier color, since tiki drinks are often brown due to the number of ingredients mixed together. They’re very material intensive and many of the ingredients like mango, guava, and passion fruit are out of season. So, it takes a lot of skill.” With a staff that comes from some of the most well-established bar programs in the city, we would argue it takes a lot of passion, too. Fresh ingredients are especially important to their formula — Henry says they go through 600 limes a week and much of the juice used in the cocktails is made from their own juicer in the basement. Though the drinks in the frozen machines are pre-made out of sight, Henry notes that they put in the same care that goes into all of their cocktails. One sip from their newest frozen libation, the Oka Kope Kooler, blended with Boyd and Blair Stonewall Rum, Kona coffee-infused Jamaican rum, lime, banana, cinnamon, green cardamom, and bitters, lets us know that it’s all worth it.

隐藏的港口,Squirrel Hill 1708 Shady Ave.。412.422.5040。hideadharborpgh.com
